May 2, 2012


Dear readers, this week ‘X’ IS FOR *X*CITING SIGNS. Even more signs! Here they are:
WHICH SIGN(S) DO YOU FIND THE STRANGEST/ MOST SHOCKING? ANY WHERE YOU LIVE? Do tell me! And do check out other posts - Alphabe-Thursday @ Jenny Matlock, Ruby Tuesday & Rednesday! And, finally, thank you to all my dear readers who have visited or commented. And to new followers too. Have a great weekend! Enjoy and see you next time, XOXO LOLA:)


Sandy said...

Dish Network and get a free gun... their all nuts but this is a great X post....haha

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Bloody Basin Road? Doesn't sound like a place to stop and rest for a while...

Anonymous said...

Those are some unique signs.

Esther Joy said...

How funny! They're all good. You did literally make me laugh out loud, and laughter is so good for us! Thanks!

Judie said...

Dish network just keeps trying, don't they!! Great post, Nora and Lola!!

Vicki/Jake said...

Please don't feed fingers to horses...mwahaha!

Heather{Our Life In a Click} said...

These are some great and amusing signs!!

bichonpawz said...

The Radio Shack one! Hey Nora and Lola!!! Hope you two are doing well!! xo Jeanne

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Lola and Nora,

The thought of retrieving anything from the crocodile pen would be a little daunting.
You always come up with the best signs.

Hope that you are both enjoying the week

Lmkazmierczak said...

Thanx for sharing your collection of signs♫♪ I liked the croc warning.

Gattina said...

Hahaha ! nothing is shocking, they are all great !

Monica said...

Great X post - My favorite is the Fish and Chips sign. Duh! :)

Susan Anderson said...

Love the croc pens one!


Giancarlo said...

Tutti belli e simpatici, quello con l'orso lo preferisco!! felice serata a Te...ciao

21 Wits said...

So funny! Going by the sign on the road heading to our right will make for a better peaceful way! Great X-tra cool post!

Annesphamily said...

I live in Colorado and love these interesting signs! I would like to be on that tranquil trail!

Jo said...

very cool signs Lola, I love the road sign for bloody basin and tranquil trail!!!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

'Loved the Croc Pen sign and the Radio Shack on too but they are all a hoot and a half!!!

Thanks for the great laugh sweetie!

God bless and have a fantastic weekend my friend!!! :o)

Pondside said...

I'll stick to the Tranquil Trail, thank you!

Giancarlo said...

Felice inizio settimana....ciao

KSO said...

Hello! I just became a new follower. I think Lola is absolutely adorable! I also have a Bichon, Betty, she has a blog that is pretty much all about her. I love the signs- especially "please don't feed fingers to the horses" at least they have a sense of humor! Stop by if you get the chance,

Liz said...

Lol. Love them. Where do you find all these sings? Haha

My entries:
Moms...Check Nyo

Jessica said...

cute signs especially the RED writing on them :-) Dropping by from last weeks RT2

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

You do manage to find quirky signs!

Shriveled Red Cactus Fruit

JohnJohn said...

wow! cool signs..yeah! =_) visiting from 366 BPC

Jenny said...

Still giggling over the 'shooting the pets and hanging them on the wall' sign!

Okay. Yeah. They were all funny!

Thanks for the smile and another xcellent post for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "X".


Splendid Little Stars said...

great signs!
The shooting pets one made me giggle out loud!