Dear readers, I am participating in Alphabe-Thursday where ORANGE is, for many, quite a problematic colour. One you either love – or hate! But let’s start by looking at some examples. Firstly, some fashion trends:

1. Christian Lacroix (above)
2. Madonna’s Material Girl teenage range launched yesterday in NY - glittery
3-5. Herve Leger - bandage dress + skirt
6. Versace
7. Leana Zuñiga – convertible/multiple dress
8-9 Lanvin - asymmetric dress
10. Bottega Veneta - described as "burnt orange"


And we couldn’t leave the colour orange without some typical orange-hued flowers- altogether less problematic:
1 Sunflower
2-3 Orchids
4 Tulips
5 Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Regina)

3-5. Herve Leger - bandage dress + skirt
6. Versace
7. Leana Zuñiga – convertible/multiple dress
8-9 Lanvin - asymmetric dress
10. Bottega Veneta - described as "burnt orange"


1 Sunflower
2-3 Orchids
4 Tulips
5 Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia Regina)

Do tell me! And do check out other Alphabe-Thursday posts @ Jenny Matlock´s great site!

Do tell me! And do check out other Alphabe-Thursday posts @ Jenny Matlock´s great site!
And, finally, thank you to all my dear readers and also new followers who visited or commented last week! Have a great weekend and see you again for Six Word Saturday (Haven’t been bumped by Michelle Obama - yet! Still hope to meet her this weekend!)
I adore orange, its so fun and reminds me of summer. As for wearing it... it can be quite unflattering. Its better left for a fun accessory I think.
Have a wonderful day.
*kisses* HH
Love to wear all those hehehe. If only I am a model...:-)
Such a pretty color.
Simple and chic looking clothing ;)
A bucket of coins,
I love the flowers and the ugly shoes in the post below.
I'm no fashion aficionado, but weren't the dresses that made all the headlines during the recent World Cup in South Africa orange? They had to do with some advertising campaign.
Just sayin'
Agree with Spadoman above - those girls in their orange dresses advertising beer I think certainly stood out from the crowd. That's the power of a colour like orange!Not for the faint-hearted!
Love those bandage dresses & skirt- would need to lose some weight first though! 8-)
Word veri's orenge! Haha!
I LOVE orange, and I loved your post!
I look so horrid in orange, but it is a lovely color! :D
Can't wear orange either - though possibly could have it as an accessory! :-)
Whenever I try to wear orange, I look dreadful!Maybe you need to be an olive-skinned brunette to carry it off...
Love the post!
Yikes - could you imagine if I had one of these aging in the back of my closet!?
Loved the Versace, but don't really get the one that looks like a lot of orange rags tied every which way
love the flowers,
the fashion is cool.
Orange is a wonderful color but alas, not on me. I used to be so jealous of my dd when she was small - she looked tremendous in orange. But that seemed to disappear with growing up. So maybe I had a an orange-loving moment when I was three as well?
I love the bandage dress.
I don't wear orange much but the Versace on the left I would wear if I looked like her!
I like orange but I must not love it because I don't have any clothes in it or not much in my house either. Except for fall then I decorate a little with it. Definitely, I couldn't wear any of those dresses lol.
I like the first orange skirt....but wouldn't wear it. Is that last photo a bird of paradise?
Orange turns me sallow.
love orange but don't wear it :D
love the pleated dress - i'd rather wear it in red though :D
Hey Girl!
Great post and no I wouldn't be caught dead in ANY of those outfits! :)
I told you this last week but I LOVE that song!
Hi I love the way that we all have different ideas on orange. Good posting yhanks for visit and sharing
Hi Nora and Lola,
I think I was burnt out in the 70's wearing orange when I was young.
I like it on other people though.
Love all the pretty orange pictures you have shared. I saw the little Herve Ledger bandage dresses in Sydney... you would have to be so teeny to wear them.
Have a happy weekend and thanks for visiting me
love dress number 8 ... gorgeous .... i couldnt wear it, i dont have the skin tone that would suit orange ... but the dresses are beautiful!
Personally, I LOVE orange. It looks good on me!!
You're so right, orange is much easier to choose as a flower than clothing or decor. I do have a bit of it though.
I can't remember ever wearing orange - it's one of those colours isn't it! Oh - and I used to use red liquorice comfits for lipstick!!
Your pictures have made me fall in love with orange all over again! I am normally more of a coral girl!
Love the flowers. The dresses...not so much!
Nope, I've never been able to pull off anything orange. Red works really well for me though. Yellow? Not so much. - G
I love the orange flowers, but then I love most any color of flowers. Thanks for stopping by to check on us. The new lab puppy should be lots of fun!
Gah! I don't like any of those... but that covertible/multiple dress is horrid!
If we had a model's body shape ANY color would look fabulous on us! :)
I love the orange flowers...they are so vibrant!
Yay go orange!!! Thank you so much for stopping by!!! I love orange as you can see!
I love all that orange...orange heaven!!! for me it is the bright primary orange though...not the subdued autumn hue....I like the second to the last one...I wouldve worn it about 15 years ago....now? maybe not.....
I like orange....but I can't wear it! Occasionally I'll put it on just around the house....but it is not my color. I do LIKE the color as it is a very HAPPY, LIVELY color!! The orange flowers you have pictured here are beautiful!!! Chloe and LadyBug look heavenly in Orange!! Have a great weekend Lola and Nora!!
Yikes. The flowers are pretty at least! haha.
I like the color orange but I don't think I can ever wear it :) I just don't think I can carry it well.
I love those flower photos though! Orange goes really well with flowers :)
I would totally wear any of those dresses IF I HAD THAT BODY! Darn it. I don't know if I will ever see those days again short of plastic surgery, liposuction and gastric bypass!
I always love stopping here and pretending I am fashion forward.
It makes me feel cool!
Thanks for this great link to Alphabe-Thursday's Rainbow Summer School.
This was a fun link!
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