Michelle Obama and younger daughter Sasha have now returned to The White House after a hectic five-day private holiday visit to Spain. They returned after a flying visit to Mallorca on Sunday. While in Andalucia they visited Granada (with its Cathedral and Alhambra Palace, Ronda (with its gorge and bull ring) and Malaga (map below).
Now, I know all you want to know is if I got to meet her at the Hotel Villa Padierna where I was celebrating a special occasion with Mr Lola. Well, the answer is she was naturally so exhausted by her hectic, action-packed schedule that she simply didn’t have the energy! And since she couldn’t meet me, she couldn’t very well attend that evening’s celebrity charity dinner being hosted there by Antonio Banderas, Melanie Griffiths and Eva Longoria, could she?!
In fact, it had been widely expected she would be the special guest at the fund-raising Starlite gala after receiving a personal invitation from Ms Longoria (Desperate Housewives), who lent her support to Barack Obama during his presidential campaign.
In fact, it had been widely expected she would be the special guest at the fund-raising Starlite gala after receiving a personal invitation from Ms Longoria (Desperate Housewives), who lent her support to Barack Obama during his presidential campaign.
More than 400 tickets were sold at 1,000 euros each (according to organisers), and there were reports another 200 people had applied for tickets and on a waiting list after learning that Mrs Obama might attend.
Among those who did was a slew of European "celebrities" and aristocrats, including Gunilla Gräfin von Bismarck, great-granddaughter of Otto (who has a home in Marbella), and Luis Alfonso de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou, who lays claim to the French throne! In addition there was tennis player Boris Becker with his wife Lilly Kerssenberg and spiritual guru, Deepak Chopra.
But as guests arrived and strolled up the red carpet in front of an assembled media of more than 130, the Obama motorcade cruised out of the hotel to take Michelle, her daughter, and group of friends to a private dinner at the La Meridiana restaurant ten miles away. The following day Michelle and Sasha lunched with Spain's King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofia and Princess Letizia at their summer palace on Mallorca before returning to Washington, DC.
Below are some images from the trip, many of which will doubtlessly be very similar to The First Lady’s own…


Happy Six Word Saturday! Other great posts @ Show My Face. Have a good weekend and see you again for Ruby Tuesday!
Below are some images from the trip, many of which will doubtlessly be very similar to The First Lady’s own…


Happy Six Word Saturday! Other great posts @ Show My Face. Have a good weekend and see you again for Ruby Tuesday!
My six for you:
Never yet met anyone really famous!
Love the photos especially of Banderas, Melanie & Eva Longoria etc.
Word veri tody's "famus"! lol
I actually "met" and shook hands with B.O. on his campaign tour for the presidency...and got him to autograph his book for me...I know have it framed, AND I have my campaign photos of me standing near him on his podium while here in town!! [on my blog]
Oh wow...I think if Antonio Banderas were in the vicinity, I'd LOVE to have just seen him in real live..person!! Whoa!
My Saturday's 6 words are posted, if you can join me...
Is that Tony Parker standing next to Eva Longoria? Love her gown (and Melanie's too!)
Great post!
Ms. Obama is so, so gorgeous. I don't know how all Americans feel about the First lady, but from up here in Canada, she handles herself like Princess Diana did when she traveled around the world. I don't think there has been a First Lady as stunning and stylish as her for a quite a while now. In fact, I can't really recall anyone that could compare to her. - G
Agree she is so stylish & such a good ambassadress for the US! Love all those pics especially of Melanie & Antonio at the Gala!
The map was really useful in following where Michelle went - very thoughtful! Not surprised she was too exhausted to meet up with you and Banderas!
I can't imagine taking a holiday with that awkward entourage. No quick stop for ice cream, no last minute nip into an interesting store - we should all treasure our anonymity!
I sort of met Dustin Diamond (Screech from Saved By The Bell) at a comedy club. He's a jerk and very bitter.
Cool that you got to meet the first lady!!
I love the new look Lola! I met Andrew McCarthy on the beach in California...he said hey and went on lol he was nice though :)
Nope!!! Nobody famous here...lol...Great post, loved seeing all the beautiful photos.
OK, I admit it! I'm a Star Trek geek, I've attended conventions and met several stars from the different shows. I've also met some musicians, some before they were big names. I've also met local celebrities through my job.
And thanks for visiting my blog.
Nobody famous in my past...
I have to question the judgement of anyone who passes up meeting you...or... an invitation to be where Antonio Baneras is going to be :)
Hi Nora and Lola,
Great post and thank you for sharing the photos.
Michelle looks lovely and always dresses so nicely. Sorry you did not get to meet up with her, darlings.
We went to a Mark Knoffler concert and happened to be staying in the same hotel ~ I got to shake his hand which my husband thought was a little naughty of me. He seemed nice and the whole band were dinning at the same restaurant.
Happy weekend
Daaaaaaahling, you do move in the most amazing circles.
No, I've never met anyone famous. The thing is, I'm so oblivious its likely that even if there was someone famous, I probably wouldn't recognise them (especially when they are not in the full fairy glamour of Hollywood).
Have a wonderful weekend.
*kisses* HH
I was thinking of you and your trip lately...especially with the news coverage of Michelle's trip...so...my 6 for you: "You kept us in the loop!"
Happy Day!
No....we haven't ever met anyone famous...except the Kennedy's...we often used to be right next to them while boating off Cape Cod!
Hmm, a celebrity did come to my school once acting with some sports car.. Though I don't know who he was xD
Oh, and I was a few inches away from Bill Kaulitz. But that diesn't count as met does it ><
Stylish Michelle Obama!
On a rainbow slide,
Totally her loss! You would have outshone her in beauty, grace AND fashion!
You hooked my interest with the button from this post on the bottom of your other blog, and I had to check it out!
Since my husband used to serve in the State Senate in Arkansas, I met quite a few Arkansas politicians. The most famous of these were probably Mike Huckabee and Bill Clinton.
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