April 29, 2010


Dear readers, you must think I’m obsessed with pets and luxury! ’Cos my last Alphabe-Thursday post was about pampered pets!
Well, yes I am interested in other canines (naturally, as a Beautiful Bichon myself!) and all girls like a bit of pampering, don’t they?! But what fascinates me here is the combination of the two: pets who are not just pampered but live in the lap of l-u-x-u-r-y. In other words, millionaire pets!

What’s your view? Do you think it’s right that favoured pets should inherit huge fortunes or should the money be directed by the courts to worthy charities and causes like the Haiti Rescue Appeal, The Red Cross or Lola’s Designer Handbag International Trust Fund (all bequests C/O my P.A.!)? Do let me know what you think, dear readers! If you were a millionaire, would you leave your fortune to a pet (if not, to what/ whom?)

1& 2 Oprah Winfrey’s pets - £30M
3 World’s richest dog, the Alsatian Gunter IV - £224.6M
4 The late Leona Helmsley’s Maltese ‘Trouble’ - on appeal, £12M slashed by Judge to £2M! More Trouble for Poor ‘Trouble’!
5 Drew Barrymore’s labrador Flossie - £3.6M
6 The late Moose (Eddie on Frasier show & Memoir "My Life as a Dog") - £1.8M
7 The late Keiko the Killer Whale - £22.6M

If you were a millionaire, to whom or what would you leave your fortune?
Have a great Alphabe-Thursday! And check out other great Alphabe-Thursday posts @ Jenny Matlock’s great site! And thank you so much for all the comments, new followers and visits (’cos dear readers often tell me that they like to visit but don’t always have time to leave a comment).
P.S. See you again for Six Word Saturday this, er, Saturday!


Jo said...

oh how lucky to be a millionaire dog and truly live in the lap of luxury ... does Jimmy Choo do dog booties! because i know that is what my little dog would like if she were a millionaire pup!

Anonymous said...

Personally I feel like its a bit silly. Dogs dont appreciate diamonds, they like doggie biscuits (except for Lola, who likes both).
*kisses* HH

Maggie said...

Leaving fortunes to pets is obscene,I'll never have that problem though so my pet, Mr Ben, will have to be happy with just my love!

Debby said...

No one loves my babies more than me, but I think it is a bit silly to leave your fortune to a doggie.

Viki said...

I think its terrible. I would definitely make sure my pet was well taken care of for their life. However, I think if there wasn't family to leave it to I would donate it to charities that I believed in.

My name is Riet said...

LOvely dogs but some people just do the weirdest things.

Holly said...

Agree its totally obscene leaving so much to animals!

tania said...

Charities are far more deserving!:D

Jan said...

Great post Lola -love your own worthy cause! hehehe

Michelle said...

word verification was "lolas"!What?Lola's charity?! 8:)

Mike said...

Poor Trouble- how will she cope on just £2M?

laterg8r said...

i wanna be one of those dogs - they sure are pampered :D

Anonymous said...

I've never had music played just to read a 'non-music' post! Wow! Really love it & the pooches!

♥ Kathy said...

If I was a millionaire I would pamper my pets like crazy...but I would leave my money to my kids :)

Anonymous said...

I think they can be well taken care of for less money.

Draffin Bears said...

Good morning Lola and Nora,

Lucky pets living in the lap of luxury.
I would make sure my pets were well looked after, why would an animal need $30 m ? That is a lot of dog tucker and grooming Phew!
The money would be better given to some charities, that could really need this money.

Happy weekend

Jenny said...

You know, Lola! I always love coming here on Alphabe-Thursday's and today is no exception for the Letter "O".

You share the most outstanding facts and photos with us and just make me wonder and ponder and think.

And somehow, I don't think I would leave a fortune to Oskar.

Perhaps it should go to your International Trust Fund!

You are really neat!


Berlin said...

Morning, really sorry if I haven't been visiting lately, the reason is in my latest post. And Oprah, she's so generous =) Good to have people like her.

With hugs,

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'd leave my fortune (heehehe!) to my children and grandchildren. Believe me it wouldn't go far! Besides Tiger the Wonder Dog would no know what to do with it.

You have yourself a terrific Thursday!!!

Christy said...

No, no money would go to an animal. That just seems ridiculous to me. I suppose if I was the animal's guardian I might think differently. What happens when the animal dies? Where does it go then?????

Terra said...

Ok, Pampered pets are cute but I am enjoying some pet free time in my house...I really am.

bichonpawz said...

While I think it is admirable that very wealthy individuals leave money for their pets to be very well taken care of, I do believe that the rest of the money should go to a very good animal charity...such as a Humane Society...they are in such need right now!

Natasha in Oz said...

This was so interesting! I had no idea...

I guess if the money is going to animal welfare charities it is worth doing? I am not sure I would be leaving that much money though...

Best wishes,

Style At Every Age said...

I would love to be the Alsation wearing Sunglasses, I love sunglasses!

Jessica said...

Too adorable! Be obsessed...I love this stuff too! What lucky animals:) I might wear a leash and collar for that kind of money:) LOL! I think I like Drew's lab the best...he looks completely down to earth and wouldn't let all that money go to his head:) Great post girl! Check out my blog if you have a sec...I have my new art posted this week:)

French Fancy... said...

Mixed feelings really. I think adored pets should be mentioned in wills to guarantee that they will have a good life with the provided money to do it. However, to leave millions to one animal seems absurd to me - far better to leave almost the whole amount to Battersea or similar


hmmmm...interesting question you ladies pose here and much food for thought - however, i lack that silver spoon in my mouth with which to feed myself, let alone anyone else!!! ;)

have a great weekend, girls!

Berlin said...

Oh yeah, I just remembered..Martha Stewart is another pet pampering person =D And, Thanks for wishing me luck!


Unknown said...

I do believe i would leave enough money for the care and well being of my pets...i also think i would have to leave a small fortune to Sam the bird so I can convince someone to care for him when we are gone (haha!) he will live forever and has a bit of a potty mouth.

Betty said...

I would divide the money up and some would go to animal rescue, but there are other causes that I believe in too.

Steph said...

Okay Lola, I'm getting a little confused about you and Nora.... It's almost as if you were one. But I think I'm finally figuring it out. So how much are you expecting to inherit? Actually, I do think pets need to have good, loving care (and this requires money). But if a dear one outlives their person and then are taken in to another loving home; what more could they need. I am a people over pets person (respectfully, Lola) who loves her dear little poodle immensely. I think the millions should go to help people in need all over the world.

Moose was so cute. I love the one on "Mad About You" too.

I've missed you two.